Author Archives: OUDoll

Why choose OUDOLL?

Best mini sex doll supplier OUDOLL OUDOLL, as a professional mini sex doll retailer, provides you with mini sex dolls of various styles, heights, and materials. We have our factory. We have our factory where we manufacture high-quality mini sex dolls with high-grade technology. The texture of our mini sex doll skin is more delicate […]

Short Sex Doll or Tall

Deciding what size to get is one of the most important decisions when it comes to buying a sex doll. Sex dolls are usually sorted by height, which can range from as tall as 173 cm (5’8″) to as small as 65 cm (2’1″). But many beginners don’t realize is that weight plays a very important role in your decision. You should know, the taller your doll, the heavier it is.

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