Being physically and emotionally close to someone feels incredible. This is one of the most important parts of mental health and happiness. However, for many people with anxiety, trauma, or other personal problems, intimacy is not always found. In my many years of experience, I have found that sex dolls, especially life-size realistic dolls, can […]
Author Archives: OUDoll
Only the creepy old pervert hides a sex doll under the bed. At least, that’s what the sculptor Matt Krivicke did before he quit his job of making Halloween costumes and joined the stereotyped industry, which proved that he was wrong. For the past five years, Matt has been working at Sinthetics, a Los Angeles-based […]
The role of sex dolls has gone far beyond silicone holes. Soon they will start talking and learning, and even walking around. In Reddit AMA on Tuesday, RealDoll CEO Matt McMullen revealed some future plans for the company’s targeted dolls-the intimate future involves many plastics, metals and your smartphone. When someone asked McMullen that he […]
A former professional sex doll repairer unveiled an overused sex doll-it’s not pretty. Slade Fiero estimates that during his ten-year-long career he patched over 100 expensive sex gear, but he claims that this won’t break the $ 2,500 desire container-poor storage. “If a person takes care of her doll, she will often use it for […]
A sex doll rental service starting in Calgary will open a second branch in Langley on Friday. Randy Wiggins, one of Natrl’s three partners, said the service is popular in Japan and growing in Europe. “We rent out to some shy men. They are very introverted. They have a hard time seeing women.” He said. […]
Last night, just like most Sunday nights, I unplugged my laptop, removed it from the “desk” (table), and sat in front of the wood stove in the living room, watching three or four Hours of TV (Yes, I watch TV more on TV than actual TV when I watch it on my laptop, because it […]
Ever since the Industrial Revolution (or at least since the Jetsons), Americans have been plagued by the anxiety of robot replacement. These concerns have proven to be predictive in some service industries. But the technology is far from perfect (see: Social Media has a bad temper with CVS’s automated self-checkout), and while reports predict robots […]
She was wearing lace pink pajamas with cherry red lips. Her eyes are chestnut brown, but they keep staring at you. They call her Chanel, and for about $ 350, she can be with you that night. Her host will pick her up with her suitcase in the morning. Chanel is a character doll that […]
When the marriage broke down, Masaki Ozaki rebounded. He vowed to start a new relationship with a rubber sex doll, a love of his life. The surrealistic silicone dummy, named Mayu, shared a bed with his wife and teenage daughter under the same roof in Tokyo, an unusual arrangement that sparked outrage before the whole […]
Davecat met his future wife, Sidore Kuroneko, at a Gothic club in 2000, so that’s the story. The less romantic but perhaps more authentic version is that he saved a year and a half to buy her online. She spent about $ 6,000. Sidore is Realbyll, made by Abyss Creations, and has a female shape. […]