The role of sex dolls has gone far beyond silicone holes. Soon they will start talking and learning, and even walking around.
In Reddit AMA on Tuesday, RealDoll CEO Matt McMullen revealed some future plans for the company’s targeted dolls-the intimate future involves many plastics, metals and your smartphone. When someone asked McMullen that he thought McMullen was a direct competitor of the company, he said “is a woman.” This may explain why RealDoll is trying to bring its products to life.
When Ryan Gosling romanticized Russ and the “half-Denmark, Brazilian-half-Brazilian” adult doll Bianca in Real Girl, it shocked not only his screen family, but Audience of the world. Even watching a movie looks strange and weird. But sex dolls have become more common in IRLs over the past 5 years-especially with the rise of artificial intelligence.
McMullen believes that the company is “finishing the finishing touch” on its artificial intelligence application and plans to release it within six months. It is also developing RealDoll with a robotic head that will be released at the end of 2017 (the company’s 20th anniversary).
McMullen said at AMA that the company is building AI systems that are compatible with robot dolls or that can be experienced in a virtual reality environment.
“The AI we design is fun and engaging, not just focusing on whether it can make you think you’re alone,” he said.
In addition to being able to learn and communicate with Siri, Alexa, Cortana and other AI software, RealDoll sex dolls also integrate virtual reality and Teledildonics experiences into the product, which shows that the RealDoll experience only requires a sex toy and a headset . Larger than a life-size doll. This may be good news for those who want to reduce their ride options (as it stands, RealDoll weighs between 60 and 90 pounds).

As for emotions, someone asked McMullen on Reddit whether AI-equipped RealDolls can love us.
McMullen replied, “I hope we can at least simulate it.” “That’s the goal.”
Regarding what kind of person, a comprehensive partner is perfect: When people are in a failed natural relationship, they are always urged to get out of trouble and try again. But what most people don’t realize is that not everyone is suitable for the “try and try again” mentality. When they fail, they are less willing to try again, which leads to more loneliness. Make them more lonely. Having a relationship with a synthetic person means that the organic person opposes a sense of loneliness that does no harm to anyone. They have no pain, but are doing something without having to waste time, money, and emotions playing stupid games to win the temporary feelings of those who were initially wrong with them.
With the exception of technical homosexuals and people without children, introverts are a group of people who are well-suited for comprehensive sexual partners. That’s why I always emphasize the difference between loneliness and loneliness. Many of our introverts actually prefer loneliness because the noise and excitement of those around you can be incredibly lost. But loneliness (that is, the state of no special person who can get along with you occasionally) is something no one can tolerate. Having a synthetic life in your life means you can interact with them at any time, and when you want to do something that requires you to be alone, you can have that life without having to feel inward for it.
So let’s take a look at real sex dolls, which is a new trend in sex technology
Everything you need to know about sex dolls: real sex doll FAQs
What is a sex doll?
Sex dolls are similar to human masturbation aids. Although many sex dolls can be scaled, there are also smaller dolls or just key parts of the human body (chest, hips, vagina, etc.).

Sex dolls have a long history dating back to ancient times and include an absurd urban legend that was allegedly designed by the Nazis to satisfy their soldiers during the war. Recently, these “intimate companions” have appeared in (such as “joke butt”) movies, such as “Old School” or “Russ and Real Girls” on the festival tour mentioned above.
Some are simple and straightforward dolls, some are inflatable, while others are equipped with AI technology to make them more responsive and lifelike. The range of adult dolls is wide, from creepy and disturbing places to sexy and realistic.
Do people really use them?
Although it is difficult to find a study or study that clearly confirms this, the short answer is: yes! From Japan to the United States, sex dolls are popular all over the world.
A documentary on the use of sex dolls shows that in 2017, Japanese company Dutch Wives sold about 2,000 dolls. Just last year, a sex doll “brothel” opened in Toronto, assuring customers that one of their dolls would enjoy quality time for as low as $ 80 ($ 86.53).
But after some strong opposition and zoning issues, the brothel closed down a week before it opened. The brothel had 200 reservations by the time it closed-almost a third came from couples or single women. Later that year, a similar attempt was made in Houston, but local cities blocked the business.
Still, it’s more about the shame of using sex dolls than its popularity. From the US $ 425 million market size in 2014 to 2023, the US sex doll industry is expected to surge to US $ 690 million. Doll brothels have also succeeded in other countries such as South Korea, Spain and Japan.
This is because sex dolls solve a very common problem: they cannot meet or have sex with real people in real life. These dolls achieve fantasy and allow their “partners” to explore their own sex without judgment or fear.
How realistic is a sex doll?
You might wonder if “real-life” dolls can actually replace real dolls, or if they are just a pale imitation. Of course, having sex with a human male or female is very different from having sex with a doll or robot. But the gap is rapidly closing.
There are so realistic dolls on the market today, they actually resemble real humans. Some of these dolls are equipped with artificial intelligence-including a sex robot that can actually respond to romance.
Are there male and female sex dolls?
So far, female sex dolls are much more common than male sex dolls. However, this does not mean that women are not interested in sex toys. In fact, a study by Adam and Eve found that 44% of women between the ages of 18 and 60 had used at least one-time toys, and the vibrator was the first purchaser.

Male sex dolls are not yet close to the top three, but RealDoll, a major sex doll manufacturer based in the United States, is trying to diversify its products through male choice.
What is a sex doll made of?
Unlike plastic inflatable dolls of the last century, today’s sex dolls are usually made of silicone that is safe for the human body. This makes them soft to the touch and easy to clean.
What features are you looking for in a sex doll?
The thing about sex dolls is that they are actually built for your entertainment. You can find sex dolls in various sizes, shapes and colors. Some even let you customize everything, including nipple color and pubic hair style!
So when it comes to functionality, everything depends on what you want.
Do you want a standard silicone sex doll, or do you want a doll that can talk, laugh and maintain a conversation? It’s all up to you.
Do I need to assemble sex dolls?
Sex dolls are actually plug and play. When you buy a silicone sex doll, you can use it immediately-although you should probably clean it thoroughly before using it. It may be necessary to first set up a sex doll equipped with AI.